About Us

About Elk Grove Vitamins, Elk Grove, CA

Elk Grove Vitamins has been in business for 28 years.

Our Mission:
Here at Elk Grove Vitamins we are committed to providing nutritional training and expertise to our customers that will facilitate improved health and quality of life.

A Holistic Approach to Wellness

Good health begins with the food you eat. Sometimes we forget that the purpose of eating is to fuel our bodies. When you consume good quality fuel, you will notice a difference in the way you feel.

The role of a integrative health coach is to work with you to determine what is the best possible fuel for your body given the demands that are placed upon you every day.

Nourishing foods are an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. A nutrition consultant can be of service to you whether you have a diagnosed illness or are simply looking to create healthier habits.

  • What is optimal health?
  • Do you feel well?
  • Do you have enough energy to do the things you want to?
  • Do you sleep well?
  • Are you free from aches and pains?
  • Do you feel emotionally balanced?
  • Do you have stress?

Elk Grove Vitamins Staff:

Dianna Singh, Owner/Integrative Health Coach

Alan Hernandez
Sales Associate, Se Habla Espanol

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